As we celebrate the success of the MCU – College
of Dentistry’s 95th Foundation Celebration, it’s
essential to recognize the exceptional dedication
of Dr. Maria Alicia T. Camacho, who led the event
as the overall Chair.
Dr. Camacho’s dedicated commitment,
leadership, and diligent efforts were instrumental
in guaranteeing the success of this important
Furthermore, it’s worth noting that Dr. Camacho
also serves as the MCU Alumni Association
President, bringing her extensive experience and
passion for the institution to her role.
Dr. Camacho effectively brought together
alumni, faculty, and staff, fostering a
shared sense of purpose in celebrating
the college’s history and embracing
future opportunities.
As we look back on the success of the
95th Foundation Celebration, we extend
our sincere gratitude to Dr. Maria Alicia T.
Camacho for her outstanding leadership,
dedication, and significant contribution to
both the MCU College of Dentistry
community and the University as a whole.

MCU COD celebrates its 95th foundation anniversary with alumni during Gala Night at Seda

The MCU COD concluded their foundation anniversary with Gala Night at Seda Vertis North last February 24, 2024.

Alumni from various batches gathered, fostering nostalgia, and camaraderie. Outstanding alumni where honored for their impactful contributions to dentistry, reflecting dedication, innovation, and leadership.

COO inducts its Alumni Chapter President
College of Optometry batch 1990, Dr, Evelyn Abarintos was recently inaugurated as the COO Alumni Chapter President during the MCU – COO 64th Founding Anniversary last March 05, 2024.
Part of her plans as the new leader of the alumni chapter is to unite and encourage all COO alumni to give back to their Alma Mater in any way possible.
A motivational speech was delivered by Dr. Evelyn emphasizing the importance of perseverance and gratitude towards mentors.

COO Alumnus Fr. Anthony A. Koa shares his community works with students during COO’s 64th founding anniversary
A student development seminar was conducted by Rev. Fr. Anthony A. Koa, a distinguished alumnus and a top-ranking Optometrist in 2013. He shared his journey, emphasizing the importance of holistic education and essential values like sociability, humility, and innovation.